Conobea scoparioides

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Herb of 15 - 30 centimeters that occurs in flooded areas from Mexico to Brazil.

Conobea scoparioides, belonging to Scrophulariaceae, is a herbaceous aromatic plant known as "pataqueira", with occurrence in the bed of small streams and wetlands of the Brazilian Amazon.

The Amazonian local people have used the plant for aromatic baths and in the treatment of avitaminosis B1. Furthermore, the oil provided significant antioxidant activity. The international companies of cosmetics and fragrances have shown great interest in the marketing of the "pataqueira" oil, but its commercial exploitation is hindered by the inability to maintaining a production system in the wetlands of the region. Generally, these areas are dry in summer. This species suffers from lack of water and will be missing for about 6 months. During the rainy season, the seeds sprout and the plant grows again.