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During the production process of flour, the manioc roots are crushed and pressed until the liquid has been removed. The expressed mass is roasted and the residual liquid, called Manipueira, processed into Tucupi. Tucupi consists partly of Manipueira, which should be rested for a day or two, so that the starch can be filtered out by fermentation.

After this step, flavorings are added and the mass will be cooked, which makes the Tucupi. This is then generally packaged in bottles or similar things.

Culinary uses: Besides being used in Tacacá, it gives meat, duck, fish, pork and Paca a spicy taste. Perhaps the most famous dish is the duck in Tucupi which is internationally known.

The color of the Tucupi comes from beta-carotene pigment, which represents the yellow manioc. White manioc also makes Tucupi with sweet taste.

Sauce Recipe Tucupi:

3 kg wild manioc (Maniva)
4 cloves garlic, chopped
2 packs chicory
 Salt and pepper


Peel, wash and grate the manioc. Place the manioc in a pot and add water until it becomes a mass. Press the dough to get the yellow liquid of Tucupi. Leave the liquid for 12 hours until the rubber is separated from the liquid Tucupi. The rubber can be used for the preparation of Tacacá. In a large pot, boil the Tucupi with garlic, chicory and salt for 1 hour and 30 minutes. This yields 2 liters of Tucupi.

Chicken in Tucupi:

1 whole chicken
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon oil
1 medium onion
8 cloves garlic
5 jambu
3 Chicory
1 and 3/4 cup Tucupi
2 and 1/2 tablespoon parsley


Wash the chicken, cut it into pieces and remove the skin. Add salt. Peel the onion and the garlic, and cut it into small cubes. Heat a pan with a little oil. When the oil is hot, fry the chicken pieces until they are gold-brown. Add onion and garlic and fry it for 2 minutes. Put it on a baking sheet and bake the chicken in the oven (250 ° C) for 20 min. Then steam Jambu and chicory for 2 min. and cook Tucupi for 10 min. Add Jambu, chicory and the chicken together and cook it for 30 min. at high heat. Add parsley and it's ready to serve.