Our Lady of Merces Church

<< Voltar

This Church was founded by Priests Pedro de La Rua e João das Mercê, that in 1640 decide to stay in Belém When their ship stopped in teh city before continuing their journey back to Europe. A chapel was built, made of wood and Clay. 

In the following years the church was rebuilt, replacing the Wood and clay by Stones, but the only record of such modifications is that The Italian Architect Antonio Landi (1713-1791) designed the Facade of the church. In 1794 the governor of the Province decided that all the Clergy of the Merces Order had to leave the Province and the King of Portugal decide to confiscate all their belongings, So their church was abandoned and left closed for many years.

In 1913 when Brazil was already independent, The Archbishop Dom Santino decide to reopen the Church and the Archdiocese decided to refurbish the Temple.

In october 24th 1978 a fire broke out in the convent Area near the Church and destroyed part of it. In 1986 everything was restored and reopened in June, 4th 1987.

Today the Convent area is under control of the Federal Income and also Customs of the Harbor of Belém, but the church remains under control of the Archdiocese 

Based on the book "Igrejas de Belém" by Historian Ernesto Cruz